Highest Rated Pillow for Side Sleeping With Neck Discomfort (Pain)

Deciding to write about side sleepers was a bit of a no-brainer. We say that because about seventy percent of people sleep on their side – it’s the most popular sleeping position in the world. The main reason for this is that we develop in a slightly curled side position in the womb as fetuses – it’s natural and no surprise that many of us find comfort in what we instinctively know.

And neck pain, well it is a discomfort many of us have encountered – mainly because a kink to this part of the body makes it difficult to move and on occasion, the stabbing pain can radiate down from the cervical spine all the way to your fingertips.

Such discomfort can be the cause of sciatica, backaches, arm and leg numbness and even migraines. If the cause of neck discomfort can be attributed to an injury, its source is apparent. But have you ever thought of blaming another obvious culprit? Namely the pillow.

We have all thought of mattresses as the primary reason for neck pain, but the pillow never really gets noticed. For this reason, we have decided to do a review for side sleepers who have a neck pain and need the best pillow to relive the discomfort at night.

Also, we have reviewed the top overall pillows for individuals with neck problems here.

The Cause of Discomfort In Your Neck

Serious Pain in the Neck Area

Sitting for hours at the desk, staring at the smartphone or computer screen, too much stress, too little exercise – do you recognize yourself? It’s often a consequence of our lifestyle. But even severe illness or mental health problems can be behind it. Learn more about the causes of this pain and what you can do about it.

Most people experience neck pain from one moment to the next: an incorrect sleeping position or movement during exercise, drafts and also stress can lead to muscle cramping and sharp pains in the neck, which sometimes radiate into the shoulders, head, and arms. However, these situational circumstances are only triggers but not the leading causes.

Neck pain: possible causes

There are many causes – but a grave reason is rare. In most cases, tension is responsible for the discomfort.

Possible causes at a glance:

  • Muscle tension
  • Muscle strain
  • Joint blockage
  • Deformation of the feet or hips
  • Wear or injury to the cervical vertebrae or discs
  • Whiplash
  • Meningitis (meningitis)
  • rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Deformity of the spine (scoliosis)
  • Tumors of the thyroid gland, vertebrae or lymph nodes
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Mental problems (stress, depression)

Shopping Instruction for Suffering Individuals

Shape & Design

Finding the right pillow in a crowded space such as the internet can be a challenge. This task becomes even more important when you are looking for something to help you counter your neck pain as a side sleeper. You need to act fast – another night in agony just won’t do.

The first thing you need to do is seek out pillows that are specially designed to support and cradle the cervical spine. Now, that may sound easy, but it is a little trickier than that. You need to do your research because some brands tout their products as the best but they actually really aren’t.

As a side sleeper suffering from discomfort in the cervical spine, you require a pillow that can support the head and keep it in alignment with the rest of your spine. A trapezoid core is a great design, and such products are easy to find. Another popular option is a pillow with a slight curvature indent so that the head is well supported – also, think of the right material – we will look into that shortly.


Sleeping on your side not only requires the perfect mattress that can align the spine by providing adequate give for the shoulder and uplift for the hip, but the right pillow to keep this alignment going all the way through the cervical spine. Picture yourself on your side without a pillow – the head flops down at an unnatural angle, resulting in pain to the neck.

This is why the height of your pillow matters a great deal. A slightly higher cushion, which is firm will cradle the head and so maintain the alignment of your neck with the rest of the spine. If your pillow is too low, you will experience the same result as if you were sleeping without a headrest at all.

The right cushion is essential for side sleepers. If your neck pain is really bad, then consider looking into the right orthopedic pillows. The main thing is that the entire spine is aligned and the cervical spine is supported at the right height.


As a side sleeper, you do not want your head to sink into the pillow material. For one, your head will get hot, and you will start sweating, especially if the material makeup is of non-breathable memory foam. Secondly, if the cushion is too soft, cradling and support will be non-existent, and the spine and cervical spine will drop out of alignment, resulting in neck pain.

Sleeping on the side is often considered the worst sleeping position. To a certain extent, we can understand that – there’s simply so much more that we have to take into consideration compared to a back sleeper the mattress needs to have the ideal firmness level and so does the pillow.

As we have seen in the previous sections, shape, and design and the height all play pivotal roles. However, none of that will work if the pillow is not firm enough to support the weight of the head.

Spine Alignment

If your spine is not aligned correctly, you will over time experience some form of discomfort to the back, shoulder or the neck. The unnatural pressure to these areas caused by the wrong mattress or pillow can be avoided – this especially crucial for side sleepers.

The best way to do that is to test your bed and the accouterments therein – you will quickly notice whether your shoulder sinks into the mattress sufficiently and the hip has a perfect amount of uplift – moving up to the head, a firm pillow in the right shape and height will ensure that the cervical spine continues the straight line from further down the spinal column.   

If you discover the total opposite of the ideal sleeping position mentioned above, immediately start scouring the web for a solution. Don’t wait because the wrong spinal alignment will cause acute pain over time.

It’s Worth the Price

We all know that most things in and around the bed cost a lot of money, especially if you want bedding paraphernalia that is of a higher quality and ideal for side sleepers. With neck discomfort, you need to invest in yourself. And as a side sleeper, you definitely must do the research and know your stuff – only armed with the right information can you target your budget the right way.

On that note, you need to decide on the amount of money you are willing to spend on your wellbeing and health. The best way to do that is to check out what pillows for side sleepers cost and jot down a number. You will soon find that pillows range from under twenty Dollars all the way up to one hundred and beyond.

Apart from the height, shape, firmness, and material, make sure that the pillow is breathable. Be aware that specific materials like organic bamboo are more expensive – more in the next section.

Quality of Materials

For side sleepers, well really for all sleeper types, the material of the pillow, especially if you suffer from neck pain, is of paramount importance. Fortunately, there are plenty of high-quality materials to choose from. 

As we have seen spinal alignment and not getting too hot on your pillow are the two main criteria that we need to watch out for when choosing a cushion. Anything from organic bamboo, high-quality memory foam with breathable elements like gel, copper or cells, natural latex are the best choices. Just make sure that the design has side sleeping in mind.

Breathability should allow for optimum airflow and heat transference so that warmth does not get trapped inside while you are sleeping. Also, the material should not off-gas and interrupt your sleep with nasty odors. And finally, consider materials with hypoallergenic properties that allow for the best respiratory function with no irritation to the skin.

Read more: Best Pillow Reviews to Buy – In-Depth Guide & Brand Ratings

The Materials that Are Inside

Synthetic Vs. Organic

In many cases, we associate synthetic products with lower quality and off-gassing. However, if the synthetic material is certified by the right organizations like CertiPUR-US, for example, then you should be okay.

In most cases though, organic materials are best – just make sure that if you choose natural latex that you are not allergic to the material. Other than that, latex is perfect for firmness and breathability – it is a high-quality material.

If you must go down the synthetic route be sure to pick top-quality breathable memory foam or microfiber as a filling for your pillow. Both provide excellent contouring and support for the head, consequently aligning the cervical spine of any side sleeper.

Organic bamboo is another excellent option for side sleep – it is breathable and shapes well. Bamboo is a favorite type of cushion for many people. The main reason for this is that it is eco-friendly (very sustainable because of fast growth) and hypoallergenic. But the feel and texture are what ‘wow’ the most.

The traditional goose and duck down pillows are luxury products, but they may cause allergies and not provide adequate support. Despite that, many people swear by this material for their neck discomfort because of the breathability and luxurious comfort.

Memory Foam

We have already touched upon memory foam for side sleepers with neck pain. It is the most moldable material in the market today. Developed by NASA for their astronauts during takeoff, it has the ability to cradle any part of your body, establishing an almost weightless feel wherever it touches – this is indeed a marvelous material.

The biggest drawback though is the fact that memory foam is not particularly breathable on it own. For this reason, bedding manufacturers infuse other elements into the mix like gel, copper or individualized cells for optimum breathability.

Once the heat and airflow situation we solved, memory foam is one of the best solutions for people with neck pain and who sleep on the side. The cervical spine is kept in alignment perfectly. Also, the material is very formable so that the pillow can have any shape that best suits sleeping on the side.


Latex has two types of forms – synthetic latex derived from petroleum-based materials and manufactured via the vulcanization process. And then there’s all natural organic which is sourced from trees with the Dunlop process. Both elements work well when it comes to contouring and breathability. However, the synthetic material can off-gas if it is of lesser quality.

The significant characteristic about latex is the material responsiveness. The moment you move your head, latex changes shape. It’s a great alternative if you do not like the slow responsiveness of memory foam.

Also, latex is highly breathable and very durable – no other material will last for as long as latex. Overall, latex is an excellent hypoallergenic and anti-microbial material, which is perfect for side sleep with neck pain. As we already mentioned in a previous section, make sure that you are not allergic to natural latex before buying.


Many of you will have encountered gel as an infusion material to improve memory foam’s breathability. This stuff has the ability to transfer soothing coolness throughout any mattress or pillow – go here if you need a cooling pillow type. It may be the ideal solution if you suffer from it because a gentle cooling soothes inflamed muscles and joints.

Another thing about keeping the cushion fresh has to do with not having a sweaty head during the night. Getting hot and bothered will disrupt your sleep and cause you to toss and turn, resulting in more tension and aggravation to the neck.

Also, a gel is very easy to keep clean, increasing the longevity of the product. The gel can also be formed into various shapes like curvature for the side of the head, excellent if you suffer from discomfort in the neck. However, many gel pillows tend to veer onto the firm side – if you do not want an overly hard cushion, you best opt for memory foam or latex.

Combination of Materials

A combination of materials in your pillow or a hybrid-bedding product is a perfect solution if you can’t make your mind up whether you prefer latex or memory foam or goose down. Hybrid bedding brands combine various materials to create a best of breed cushion, combining the top attributes of multiple materials. 

So, let us take a look at what a hybrid product might look like. You can get bamboo and latex fusions that have excellent breathability, durability, surface responsiveness and firmness. Or if you can’t live without cradling contouring, then a mix of memory foam, gel, and organic cotton offer breathability and shape.

Another variety is microfiber with bamboo – a tremendous synthetic and organic mix for neck pain. Getting a best of breed pillow is always a good idea if you want more advantages stuffed into one bedding item. The most important thing to do when deciding whether a hybrid is for you is to do your research before making a purchase.

Don’t Go Cheap with Your Health

Muscular Agony

Long-Term Problems

We all know of tips and tricks to keep ourselves healthy. Do a lot of sports, avoid processed foods, drink lots of water and do not eat sugar. These are the most common things we can influence. But other things can affect our health. Unfortunately, these things often take a back seat, such as our posture. Lousy posture in and out of bed can affect both physical and mental health. Luckily we can work on our attitude.

Longer-term problems associated with the wrong spinal alignment can cause depression over time – we all know that a good night’s sleep impacts our mood. However, the most prevalent issues arise in the neck and back. If you sleep on your side, you need to invest in the right bedding so that your body gets the best support to alleviate pressure on the joints and muscles in the problem areas.

Some tips for your neck:

So it is true, our posture and sleeping position affects both our physical and mental health! Here are some tips and exercises for your neck and back.

  • Move the head to the left or right side
  • Lean your ear against your shoulder without overly forcing your neck or lifting your shoulders
  • Hold this position for about 15 seconds and then move to the other side
  • Every day three repetitions

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be extremely restrictive and disturbing for those affected. There are many causes; often the so-called impingement syndrome is behind the symptoms. But also acute injuries and wear-and-tear cause shoulder pain. Often a long-term consistently applied physiotherapy for muscle strengthening is the focus of treatment – surgery can often be avoided.

Shoulder pain is predominantly soft tissue pain in the area of the shoulder joint, which mainly involves muscles, tendons, the joint capsule, and bursa. And this makes the symptoms particularly annoying: regular hand movements, which are often hard to avoid, are accompanied by pain from the shoulder throughout the arm to the hand.

And even at work or in sports, many activities and movements require a smooth and painlessly functioning shoulder joint. Shoulder pain thus severely limits the range of activities one wants or needs to pursue.

Examples of possible causes of shoulder pain are:

  • Impingement syndrome (bottleneck syndrome) of the shoulder
  • Damage or tear of the so-called rotator cuff (rotator cuff tear)
  • Wear-and-tear-related changes: Osteoarthritis
  • Injury: fractures and injuries (e.g., fractured collarbone)
  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint (shoulder dislocation)
  • Inflammatory changes: tendinitis, bursitis
  • Tension
  • Shoulder joint inflammation, frozen shoulder (frozen shoulder)
  • And last but not least – the wrong mattress and pillow – if the body is not supported, muscles and the spine are put under too much pressure, resulting in discomfort.

Top Side Sleeper Pillows For Those With Neck Pain

Layla – Ideal Comfort


  • 5-year warranty
  • 120-night sleeping trial
  • Premium materials and made in the USA
  • Free shipping and returns

Our Ratings: 9.6/10

The Layla brand is synonymous with top of the range bedding products from the mattress all the way to the pillow. What we loved most when we reviewed the Layla is the copper-infused memory foam that guarantees a more refreshing night’s sleep – optimal heat transference and airflow.

But the copper does not only have breathability advantages but also anti-inflammatory properties.  The metal is thought to be able to improve your health and overall wellbeing – now this may not be scientifically proven yet, but many people swear by it. Anyway, copper is anti-microbial and anti-viral – imagine having that close to your head.

The company only uses top-quality memory foam certified by CertiPUR-US – you head gets superior cradling, and the neck is supported and aligned with the rest of the spine. Another material enhances the sleeping experience – Kapok fiber feels like real goose down and breathes like cotton – Kapok fills the pillow and is the primary material for the cover – you will love this stuff as a side sleeper.

Nest Bedding Easy Breather – Excellent Neck Support


  • Lifetime warranty
  • Free returns and exchanges
  • 100-night sleep trial
  • High-quality synthetic materials for better neck support

Our Ratings: 9.5/10

The Nest Bedding Easy Breather lives up to its name with the Tencel covering, the shredded memory foam and Tencel filling ensure superior breathability and heat transference throughout the pillow. All extra heat is then transferred from the pillow to the bedroom, allowing for a cool and refreshing night’s sleep.

The blended fabric mimics traditional down products and is firm enough to support the cervical spine and keep it aligned with the rest of the spinal column. The great thing is that even though the neck is held in place and the head cradled, the Nest Bedding Easy Breather does not feel too hard thanks to the plush Tencel cover that is softer and smoother than cotton.

If you still find the pillow to be too hard, you can adjust the firmness by removing some of the fillings. This product is an excellent premium solution to your neck pain if you’re a side sleeper.

Purple – Best Value


  • Excellent promos during national holidays
  • 100-night trial
  • Sleek design and shape for neck support

Our Ratings: 9.3/10

The Purple pillow is firm around the edges and soft in the center so that your head and neck get ‘sinkage’ and support respectively – perfect for side sleepers. In addition, the product is durable so that you will not encounter the common malformation over time, which is the case for traditional pillows made of other less firm materials.

This pillow is highly breathable thanks to the hyper-elastic polymer filling that allows for the air to flow freely throughout the cushion. And hundreds of little triangles maintain the shape so that the neck gets supported in a comfortable way.

Pillows’ curvature shapes allow for optimal head cradling and spinal alignment, especially if you combine it with a Purple mattress. This Purple product is perfect if you sleep on your side thanks to the shape as mentioned above. And for just under one hundred Dollars you can’t do much wrong when you buy Purple.

Our Final Thoughts

The reviewed the best pillows in this article to hit the spot if you are a side sleeper with neck pain issues. As we have seen, it is paramount to apply the right sort of firmness to this area so that you can rest easy at night and not wake up with an agonizing throb the following morning. All of the products we reviewed do precisely that without compromising coziness – the cervical spine is aligned, and the head is cradled on the cushion – what else do you need?

If your current pillow is not doing its job, the longer-term implications for your health can be harmful. For example, companies spend millions of Dollars on ergonomically friendly workspaces for their employees because they know that the wrong office equipment that causes aches and more serious ailments would cost them millions more due to employee absenteeism due to discomfort.

Now, as a side sleeper, why would you not spend a little more for a premium pillow rather than a mediocre product that doesn’t cut it? Your health is the most important asset you have, and good pillows catering to side sleepers do not cost the world. If you want to keep neck pain at bay, the right pillow with the ideal shape, firmness, and breathability will go a long way in keeping you well.



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